+3 votes

3 Answers

+3 votes

This...think it is in the video. The Soviet Yak fighter (Yakovlev Yak-3) was a Soviet dog-fighter that was used in World War 2. This was a robust craft, and its maintenance was very easy therefore making it liked by all ground crew and pilots. They were first developed in 1941 but didn’t see service until three years later, 1944. 4848 of these aircraft were manufactured in total. Their main use was as tactical fighters, engaging in dogfights in the lower sky (13,000 ft and lower).

The Yak was considered to be one of the lightest and smallest aircraft to be used as a major combat fighter from all the other combat fighters that were used within World War 2. It provided excellent performance due to its power-to-weight ratio, which was extremely high.

World War 2 French ace, Marcel Albert, considered the Yak to be a far superior aircraft to the Spitfire and P-51D Mustang, having flown the Yak in the USSR.


+4 votes

After over the years of flying many WW2 restored aircraft, I still think the P-51 was the best long range fighter ever built. With the the P-38 Lightning right behind it. What they don't tell you in the books is that other than the Sturmovik, Russian planes were junk heaps. Constant break downs and unreliability. Never got to fly one as they weren't a collectors type aircraft but I have flown many others. I still think my BF-109G was the most nimble plane I ever flew but the 38 and 51 were superior planes.

+1 vote

Whoever assembled that, it was a labor of love, Tink



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