+6 votes
in Travel by
Travel by Car or Plane or Train or Boat - Which you like the most?

9 Answers

+8 votes
Plane, by
I am less likely to suffer travel sickness in a plane than any of the other options.
+8 votes
+8 votes
Boat, by
One day, when I am set free from the requirements of a job and I am finally left to my own devices...my hope is to catch a Cunard liner from Boston to Southhampton.....and along the way, sit in a deck chair with a wee single malt and a cigar and watch the sea miles pass until I dock, at which time, my plan is to wend my way out to the Orkneys.

No time table, no hurry....just time among a wild, wind driven piece of real estate I would like to see.
+5 votes
Car, by
I have control in a car...I can take as long as I want and see so much of the countryside.
+5 votes
Plane, by

+5 votes
Plane, by

Plane usually, but there are exceptions.

+5 votes
Train, by
I've traveled by train from Connecticut to California and back a few times, absolutely love it. :)
+5 votes
Boat, by

+1 vote
Boat, by

Maybe the boat, but I like all (or most of) the travelling means.

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