+5 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

A black widow spider gives me the creeps.  I would not want to get bitten by one.

7 Answers

+5 votes

No, but we have tons of them here.

+3 votes

No I haven´t and we don´t have those spiders here either.

+3 votes

No, but I've seen them around where I live.

+2 votes

No but I found a False Widow in my Kitchen and it's the 1st time I screamed for help because these Spider Bites can actually Necrotize Muscle and People have ended up having Limbs Amputated.

Really Nasty and glad I found it.

 image image

+2 votes

Actually, I think Brown Recluse spider bites are worse than those of  Black Widows,

A friend of mine was bitten by a Brown Recluse, and the resulting necrotic wound took many months to heal.

Correct!  The bite from a brown recluse spider is much more severe than the bite from a black widow spider.
+1 vote
I haven't seen a black widow spider but I have touched many spiders which looks similar to the below picture but they never tried to bite me.

0 votes


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