+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

13 Answers

+7 votes
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do not doubt
+7 votes
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I can.

+7 votes
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I consider it one of my strengths and in friendship what I'm known for. That and my loyalty. 

+6 votes
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I can keep a secret but the people whom I tell the secret are only can't able to keep it as a secret.

+6 votes
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Yeah I can.

+5 votes

While I can, I ask that you not to tell me any. They're your secrets, you keep them.

+4 votes

In the BBC series Yes Prime Minister, Bernard was trying to get Sir Humphrey to tell him what was about to happen in their department. Finally, Sir Humphrey asked, "Can you keep a secret?"

Bernard leaned forward and in an urgent, confidential whisper said, "Yes, Sir Humphrey."

"So can I, Bernard," he replied, and went on with his work.

+4 votes
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I am a Vessel of Secrets

+3 votes

Shhh... I can't say.

It's a secret.


+2 votes
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Yes, I can.

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