+3 votes

5 Answers

+4 votes

When the child is old enough they can choose for himself/herself. 

+3 votes

              Some people will never learn to think for themselves. 


+3 votes

as I always say, in the human world there's a virus spread everywhere which causes a derious disease. it is same is "people-pleasing syndrome". People don't know how to avoid pleasing others and saying "no" when it is necessary and such behaviour affects tons of lives in a daily lives. However, this is not the worst part: the one who pleases other also want to be pleased by others (= have expectatons which can never manifest a different outcome). It explains chiché ordeals like the guy who wants to be a great ballet dancer but go to college stufy medicine as his father's wish. I believe same happens here: if you are a first-class parent, you'lla be wise enough to know how to treat your children as human beings and, as such, beings capable of thinking by themselves, who have their own free will. A great parent will always trust they will choose the best for themselves...and never stop supporting them!

+1 vote

Give the children a wide field of choices, and let them choose for themselves, within certain broad limits; e.g., don't let them become radical Islamists.

+1 vote

Children need to learn to think by themselves, to know their limits and to take their responsibilities. Education should not crush, indoctrinate, fanatise, abuse or shame children, and neither be laxist or too "permissive". 

The same applies to religious beliefs and interpretations; children should be enabled to make their own choices, provided that they are mature and in full knowledge of the facts.

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