+1 vote

4 Answers

+1 vote

I don't think parents should take naked pictures of their babies.

0 votes

I think it is okay if it´s just a baby or a toddler.

0 votes

I don't think it's wrong.. Everyone has the baby/bath pictures. They are memories captured forever.  However, I think it's a little irresponsable to be posting them all over social media,maybe not babies per say, but I see a lot of 3-5 year olds in the bath/or pool nude or semi nude on social media. You may think it's cute and innocent, but you never know when a child predator will see it.

0 votes

As parents are responsible for all aspects of their child's life until they are 18 years of age; the child is essentially "property" (and can legally be sold).

I'll give you a dollar if you stop asking these obviously moronic questions, Cowboy.

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