+1 vote

6 Answers

+2 votes

No. We were never members of any church, and I think only one of my children attended Sunday school a few times as a guest of their friend at the friend's church.

+2 votes

Nope.  I'm agnostic, but if my kids decide that they want to attend church, I'll take them.

+1 vote

if I had kids and went to church, they would be attending with me.

+2 votes

Coerce no, never. He goes of his own accord. 

0 votes

No, I don't believe in coercion, unless there is no other alternative to preventing criminal behavior.

0 votes

Nah. I was forced to go when I was a kid -- my mother was too old when I came along and would have done anything to get some self time -- but I never inflicted it on my own family

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