+3 votes
in Society & Culture by

There are people in the world who don't know about the internet, technology and anything about the modern lifestyle (I'm not talking about the North Korea :~D). I mean the uncontacted tribes in this world.

One of them is the Sentinelese people who lives on the North Sentinel Island which is administered by India. But the people living there doesn't care, they don't know anything about the outside world. All the attempts made to contact them are failed. They just attack with arrows if anyone tries to communicate with them. Many people have died before.

Their numbers are just ~500 and they can go extinct in anytime.

There are other tribes living on the other nearby islands - Nicobarese tribe, Jarawa tribe ...

Nicobarese made contact with the outsiders and now they are consider as normal people. There are some communication with the Jarawa tribes.

If India gives independence to the North Sentinel Island, it will be the uncontacted country of the world.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3049022/The-island-dangerous-visit-Mysterious-Sentinelese-tribe-rejected-outsiders-60-000-years-try-kill-sets-foot-land.html

Will save them 0 votes
Will make them extinct 3 votes, 100%

2 Answers

+2 votes
Will make them extinct, by

It would pose great risks for them, probably fatal.


I agree. They've been living for hundreds of years without us bothering, leave them alone. Look at all the disease that our ancestors spread in the New World alone.

0 votes
Will make them extinct, by

Over time they will probably be that.

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