+2 votes
in Doubts by

I remembered about the fads for drive-in theatres as they just came out in the 50s and 20 years later in the mid-70s, there was a craze for pet rocks but it just lasted a few months. It was rather surprising as I lived in Britain and pet rocks originated from America, but many of a townfolk was bathering about it. Only lasted about six months though.

3 Answers

+2 votes

I remember the hula hoop fad during the late 50's and how I just had to become the first kid in the neighborhood with one.


Interesting. Do you remember the fad for pet rocks in the mid 70s?


Yes, I do remember the fad for pet rocks during the mid 70's as well as beanie babies from the 90's.


Yes. Why would you waste 15 pounds for a pet rock when it was rubbish.

0 votes

I remember 10,11 years ago how popular tamagotchis were and many of the other kids on my school had them. 


Oh yes. People all around town were talking about it. However, do you remember the fad for Spice Girls in the mid 90?


No but I heard about them for a few years ago but I can´t really remember the 90´s so much. I have some blurry memories from 98/99 but not more.

+1 vote

Furbys, Tamagotchis, Tickle me Elmo, Pokémon, Beanie Baby's 

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