+2 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

I had a dream that i was in Gran canaria and accidently came back here and then i would go back again and wanted to take plane but two other girls who followed me wanted to take the bus and we did´nt want to miss the last week of our vacation there. Then i found out that wecan take the boat so we got on a small boat and someone else who looked like a santa drove it. Suddenly the girls were my sisters. We drove a little and i really liked sitting in the boat in the sea but then suddenly the man took us to a place and wanted me to put on a plastic bag for fun. But i didnt want to so i ran away and took the boat. The man now looked different. He was now a darkskinned man. So i took the boat with my sisters and escaped. So we kept going and around us other people were there. They might have lived there and maybe they knew him but didnt attack us but one of them seem to warn sbout something in the water we were in right now so we took the boat up to the ground and run with it there instead and then i know we continued in tve water later but i think i was swimming draggi g the boat with me. He continued to follow us of course.and another weird thing was that my sisters were stuck in my armpits and were really small what i remember. We continued though through a building with many doors and got stuck in a small round window and hard him coming. My butt was too big but got help to get out and fell down in the water. Suddenly we saw an island. It was madsgascar and looked so beatiful and exotic. I was thinking it isnt gran canaria but we could stay there a little atleast so we found a house there. When we were in Madagascar and in another house, the man came and before he really saw my me one girl shot him. I took several photos with my camera there too. Then we heard a volcano would erupting and we would walk up on the roof to protect us. After that i woke up. 


2 Answers

+2 votes

Dreams always fascinate me.  

+1 vote

A very peculiar story - are you torn between an eventually planned holiday trip and a challenging task, or that somebody needs your help, unless you are working too much and need a break?

Or, if you like to write, you could give yourself a try as an author of a thrilling fiction ...



Yeah I really want to go on a vacation somewhere and I have many times had similar dreams to this one when it´s more adventurous.

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