0 votes

3 Answers

+3 votes

Sure, if the tax money saved by not paying for welfare, education, healthcare, prisons, etc. for illegals that the wall keeps out exceeds the costs of the wall.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

0 votes

First of all, I won't believe in that WALL until I see it.  He could be bluffing.  But, if this WALL does become a reality, I would not want my taxes going up for this WALL nor would I appreciate the Federal Debt rising astronomically due to the building of this WALL.


Ladies and gentleman, we have a FIRST!

The first time a liberal EVER showed any concern about the federal debt rising astronomically.

+2 votes

One thing that people don't realize is that many terrorists and their weapons come across that loose border all the time. Not just Mexicans. If a suitcase Nuke ever gets in the States? That's where it will get in. Build the wall ! All the wasted B.S. taxes we pay now could be done away with and our money would go to something to keep us safer. That wall idea isn't just for Mexican immigrants.

New Year's Eve Countdown
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