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4 Answers

+1 vote

I think Michael Moore needs to take a crash course at Jenny Craig.

Oh, and the Trump part is just a ploy to scare the Democrat base into getting out and voting for their crook of a candidate.

0 votes

According to my politics major friend he has a 1/5 chance of winning. 

0 votes

Trump loses by a landslide and uses the new found notoriety to make serious dough on the paid speaker circuit. He encourages his eldest son to pursue politics and privately whispers, "I shoulda got into this racket years ago!"


Of course he should have got into this racket long ago.

Just ask the Clintons.  One-hour speeches at $200,000 a pop is good work if you can get it.

You just have to be crooked enough.

+1 vote

Michael Moore is just a big mouth turd with no life. Always some game with him. Ask yourself ? What has he ever done?


Ummm... let's see...

Oh, I know!

He's pigged out a lot.

New Year's Eve Countdown
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