+2 votes

2 Answers

+2 votes

That was a powerful heartfelt speech that will remain with me forever I am certain. The pain of losing their son, an Army Captain and hero was evident in the face of both parents.  Yet, their pride was even more powerful and the gentleman articulated the audacity of Trump, a person who has made no sacrifice, in his assertion that Muslims are not true Americans.  The topper was when Mr. Khan pulled out his own copy of the U.S. Constitution and offered to lend it to Trump so that at long last he can read what it actually states.

Trump should lower his head in shame.  

He should, but instead has responded by insulting the man's wife for remaining silent during the speech. Both parents were in obvious grief (and we all should know that'll last forever) and Mrs. Khan confirmed that was her reason for not speaking.

0 votes


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