+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
"Religious" Bras

A man walks into the ladies department of Macy's, walks up to the woman behind the counter and says, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife." "What type of bra?" asks the clerk. "Type?" inquires the man. "There is more than one type?" "Look around," says the saleslady, as she shows a sea of bras in every shape, size, color, and material. "Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only three types of bras," replies the salesclerk. Confused, the man asks what the types are. The saleslady replies, "The Catholic type, the Salvation Army type, and the Baptist type. Which one do you need?" Still confused, the man asks, "What is the difference between them?" The lady responds, "It is all really quite simple. The Catholic type supports the masses, the Salvation Army type lifts up the fallen, and the Baptist type makes mountains out of mole hills."



1 Answer

+2 votes
Same problem, except now the man doesn't know what size bra.
The saleslady says, "Well, first let's determine the cup size. Are your wife's breasts as large as melons?"
"Oh, no," says the man, "smaller than that."
"No, smaller."
"No, smaller."
"No, smaller."
"Yes, that's it!" says the man. "Eggs! Umm...fried eggs, that is."



Lol - a good one. It reminded me of a naughty one with melons (or apples), pears and onions.

But it is a rather embarrassing - lol. And you know certainly about it.




:blush:  :O  :)



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