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4 Answers

+1 vote

Wholeheartedly agree!

+1 vote

I never thought I'd say this, but Glenn Beck is right


To: Fuzzy Corona

Yes, he is right, this time! :)

+2 votes

Glenn Beck... Glenn Beck... ?

Oh, yeah... wasn't he the guy that said, "Ted Cruz is the fulfillment of Mormon prophecy"?


You're scraping the bottom of the barrel more than usual this time, Cowboy, not that you are any stranger to barrels.  :D


To: TheOtherTink

When a Conservative talk show host praises Michelle Obama and disses Trump, well, miracles do happen.

It's wonderful to see a considerable amount of Conservatives seeing the errors of his/her ways.


@ MC:

There were quite a few conservatives that did not support Trump from the beginning.

Contrast that with all the Democrats that lined up behind Hillary, despite her being a corrupt, lying crook.

It shows conservatives have higher ethical standards than most Democrats.

Among Democratic voters, the few ethical ones will vote for the third or fourth party candidates, or not at all for president, given the foul choices.  :sick:



Voting for a Third Party candidate amounts to tossing a vote away.  Not ethical or sensible at all.


@ MC:

What you say MIGHT make a scintilla of sense if I didn't live in a hopelessly blue state where my vote for president makes not the slightest bit of difference one way or the other.

It is true that if I lived in a swing state like Ohio, I might have to give some thought as to which is the lesser of two horrendous evils, like say a choice between Lady Macbeth and Jack the Ripper, but as it is, I am not throwing my vote away at all.  I'm voting for HONESTY over HYPOCRISY, admittedly something you wouldn't understand, to judge from your fawning Hillary comments.  :D


Oh yeah, that's right, Stein with her 2%, is really going to hit Hilary where it counts.


To: TheOtherTink

I live in a RED State that could possibly turn BLUE depending if the voter turn-out from the Latino Community is a heavy one in favor of Hillary.  So, casting a vote for a THIRD Party candidate would be detrimental to both Democrats and Republicans.


@ MC:

I wouldn't mind someone casting a vote detrimental to both Democrats and Republicans, for presenting us with such miserable choices.


@ dru:

Since the betting odds favor Hillary by about 6 to 1, there is not much chance of her losing.

BUT, if she does lose by 1%, Stein's 2% will indeed have hit Hillary where it counts.

Lots of people buy lottery tickets at much longer odds.   :D


Hilary will have to answer to the part of the base that feels it has been left behind. She would be ridiculous to ignore Sanders's movement.  But the damage to the Republican party is far more serious and will take years to mend.


I agree that the damage to the Republicans will be greater, if they lose the House and Senate.

And the damage to the country will be great if the Democrats are in one-party control for many years.

Detroit/Chicago/Baltimore squalor writ large across the country.

0 votes

I'd say it was better.

New Year's Eve Countdown
: :

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