+3 votes

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

You do not share your address, when you are away (as in holidays), what your regular schedule is (Like "We always go out for dinner Saturday night at 8pm" or "I have a class every day at 2". You do not share your banking info (name of bank etc.) You do not share how much money you make or what your assets are. (like "I have a stamp collection", or "I collect Gold Spanish coins ") those were examples, personally I don't collect anything except old bills.

You don't share any personal information!!


I also avoid to share my personal information. I saw that many Facebook users share their personal information and photos of their family and friends. Facebook want to know everything about its users.


I have seen some people who told everyone when they were going away, and posted updates on their holiday, with pictures etc. Everyone knew their house was empty and waiting to be robbed.

+5 votes

I don't use it except on a couple of Q&A sites and I rarely reveal anything about myself or home. Nothing personal in any way, shape, or form.

+5 votes

Other than this site occasionally? I avoid all of it. Don't have the time to bother with it. Daughters use it all the time but they are two smart girls and we've taught them well about the dangers.

+4 votes

Anything that could be used by criminal or deranged elements to harm me or my family or friends.

+3 votes

As already mentioned here, it is dangerous to share personal data, pictures of family, friends, acquaintances, etc. (in real life) on-line.


I agree.


Yes, also professional communication on-line was and is increasingly tedious, involving repeated checking and using various means of communication. In many cases, it was safer to send a fax, a normal letter, or to make long distance calls.


+2 votes

Obviously personal information and images.

I also work not to share my religious beliefs.


Some religious persons like to share the quotes from Bible and Quran and hate the other religions.

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