+5 votes
in Movies by
Joe Average is able to perform amazing stunts, fire any weapon, play any musical instrument, cut a woman's hair (nicely), and cook a gourmet meal.

Yeah, right.

5 Answers

+4 votes

It was a horror movie called The Manitou and ended with our naked heroine sitting on a hotel bed, her body hooked up to the hotel power supply, zapping the monster with lightning bolts from her fingertips. Yeah, right! I don't know how the actress kept from laughing. We couldn't.

BTW did you know that a teacher once told his class, "Two negatives make a positive but two positives can never make a negative." And one of the kids said, "Yeah, right!"

+5 votes
How about anything from MacGyver. He could get out of any sticky situation with extremely small resources.
+1 vote
In tough guy movies like Taken...he can beat 12 guys at once and then later he fights one guy and struggles to beat him.......I say " yer right "
+1 vote

Whenever I see a James Bond movie I will say, "Yeah, right!"

0 votes

In the Outlaw Josey Wales when he Spins and holds out full arm length, his two guns.  If you have ever held and fired a Walker pistol you'd know how ridiculous that is.  They are heavy and bulky as hell.

Yeah, but it can be done.
I mean sure, if your a weight lifter.  Doing it in a real situation with two of them like he does?  Not an impossible measure, but yeah right.  I still love the movie all the same.
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