+2 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

Before, if a women has a problem on the egg then doctors will simply use a new one from a donor. But UK had approved that the doctors can use a donor egg to repair the egg. Do you think its ok?

7 Answers

+3 votes

Sure, why not?

It only amounts to 0.2%, and it prevents deadly birth defects.

+3 votes

It might help a lot to prevent birth defects.

+3 votes

I support it.

+3 votes

I would support it also. I see only good and very little harm.

+1 vote


+2 votes
From what I know, eggs for donation should be of highest quality, and, in some cases, should be PGS NGS tested to avoid neuplodies. Eggs, donor or own, cannot be improved, at least at this moment. After egg collection, only best ones are implanted. Otherwise, a woman might experience a pregnancy loss or a future baby might have issues. In case a woman cannot find a donor, there are different solutions clinics usually recommend, such as egg sharing (https://fertilityroad.com/mag/egg-sharing-a-win-win-approach/), egg freezing, embryo donation, adoption, etc. 
0 votes
As long as it's safe
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