+2 votes

2 Answers

+2 votes

I've been hearing a lot about this but nothing really concrete. Knowing the way they run this state now? Nothing would surprise me. Anything that comes out of the Sac. Bee is completely Democrat controlled. They are in the majority here and the rest of us just wait till another good Republican comes around to straighten things out. But Gov. Brown is a crafty one and I'm sure there is more to this than we know as I'm sure there is some deal behind the scenes.


But of course the Democrats want to make sure they have a permanent majority, consisting of a rich liberal elite ruling over an impoverished underclass dependent on government, and a shrunken middle class. The middle class is to be kept just large enough to provide the tax money the elite need to stay in power, but not large enough to vote the elite out of power.


Sounds about right!

+1 vote

T(h)ink, the latest news in Europe have focused on the US missile strikes against an airbase in Syria, in response to the chemical attacks. And there are also our European problems with Turkey ...

But back to California, and, for you, in German:



"Sie erinnert mich zu sehr an die Berliner Mauer"

("It reminds me too much of the Berlin Wall.")

But in this case, Gov. Brown doesn't want the wall because it would hinder the flow of future votes for his political party. He would be all for it, if it prevented future votes for Republicans.  :D


Yes, the Berlin Wall is still a rather delicate subject in Germany. And illegal immigration is a very serious problem, as it involves human trafficking and empowers the crime organisations on both sides of the border.

And Europeans admired and still admire California, but many still ignore the environmental, economic and socio-political problems.

But why is California said to have the highest poverty rate of the US?




Politics of California:


California had (and has) indeed a strong Hispanic and Mexican influence:




And which big interests are really "pulling the strings" on either side?

BTW, the news have focused on the truck attack in Stockholm:


and on the US missile attack against a Syrian airbase as a response to the chemical attacks:


(Europe approves!)


What is ironic is that both California and New York City have a left-liberal leadership that decries capitalism, but which depends on capitalism to finance its profligate spending. NYC without Wall Street would soon be like Detroit.

And of course these left-liberal politicians are nearly all filthy rich themselves, who lead only by hypocritical precept, not by example.

And of course these same liberal politicians don't want fewer people in poverty... the dependent poor are their voter base.  



Far right and far left groups are extremist and/or fascist movements, which do not serve the interests of the people.

It is rather sad and the irony is blacker than black ... 

Here, we are - over and over again - dealing with extremism - and terrorism ...

Here in Europe, opinions are boiling - and not alone in France, Germany and England ...

There's a big cleaning up going on in many European countries after the truck attack in Stockholm:




(but titles in French refer to Islamic terrorism)


About the "head scarf" (in German):



@ Marianne:

What is sad is that politicians (whether extremist or not), with rare exceptions, serve their own interests rather than the people's.

And the Pope? "There are no Muslim terrorists."?!  He's playing with words, or else he lives on another planet. (Though I'm sure he's not going to give up his Swiss Guards anytime soon.)  :ermm:


Yes, of course, if only, there were not so many excesses - and nobody can handle masses and please everybody - religions, doctrines, business and politics have very dark sides. I thought, of course, that I had to refer to the Pope's most confusing words.






God's Omnipotence 

Sunday school teacher was asking her students some questions after a series of lessons on God's omnipotence. She asked, "Is there anything God can't do?"
All was silent. Finally, one boy held up his hand.
The teacher, on seeing this, was disappointed that they had missed the point of the lesson. She sighed and asked, "Well, what is it you think God can't do?"
The boy replied, "He can't please everybody."

Link: http://jokes.christiansunite.com/God/God's_Omnipotence.shtml


@ Marianne:

Can God make a rock so large that even He cannot move it?  :ermm:

As for the Pope, what will he say next? That Torquemada was not Catholic? :O :D


I know what you mean. The joke does not specify that God does not need to please everybody - lol.

But there have been too many heated debates and conflicts about the free will of the individual and a fate related life, i.e. predestination.

And talking about Torquemada, you can add quite a few more, like Bishop P. Cauchon, for instance.

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