+4 votes
in Computer Networking by

Ransomware virus has spread on more than 74 countries worldwide, with at least 57,000 reported users including UK’s National Health Service (NHS), FedEx and Telefonica. The virus was created from the tool stolen from the National Security Agency (which is used for America's surveillance programs). Microsoft already know about it and it allowed NSA for spying but few months ago it was hacked by a group called Shadow Brokers and they posted a cache of hacking tools online. If the virus get into your system then it will lock down your pc until you pay the money mentioned in it. (Edit: It's over 100 countries now)image

Germany's Deutsche Bahn railways 'affected by virus'


5 Answers

+5 votes

Yes, I've heard of this by my Tech guru and I have all my important info filed into an external hard drive and Dropbox. Plus there are now many different ways to remove depending on your OS. There are ways to deal with it but they are time consuming and quite a bit of work.


It is not only the problem of PC users but also a problem for the websites running on Windows but most websites runs only on Linux.

+5 votes

Like Rooster said, back up your important files somewhere that the virus can't get at them.

+6 votes

Dan, I just saw on BBC news that someone has " somewhat accidentally" found a kill switch in the Ransomware code; doesn't cure the damage, but does stop the spread!

'Although his discovery did not repair the damage done by the ransomware, it did stop it spreading to new computers, and he has been hailed an "accidental hero".'


* Oh, oh...late edit - the end of this article points out that there will certainly now be copycats of this malware coming out, eliminating the kill switch...



Ouch - I saw that coming.



@ Virginia,

What is needed is for Wikileaks to leak the app that unlocks your pc.


Oh that is SO brilliant idea, O'Tink!


Lol - a bright idea, T(h)ink and Virginia.


+4 votes

I heard about it, and it's scary how far computer criminals have come.  i don't exactly have to worry about it since i have a chromebook.


SKUNKY!!!!!! You might get skunkerware though! :D


Hey Skunky's in town, hurrah!

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