+5 votes

7 Answers

+5 votes
websites, by

I don't have time much to mess with social networks but I do use a couple of websites,like this one occasionally now. Anyone I actually want to socialize with? I'll either call and talk to them on the phone or visit them. Going horseback riding today and will socialize plenty. In my opinion? Both social networks and websites are on the decline. A new one pops up and it's fun for a month or two and then shrivels up. Seen many go this route over the years.

+4 votes

That is a rather uneasy question, as the "attractiveness" of networks and websites depends much on the interests, preferences and aims - or hobbies of the users.

+4 votes
websites, by


I don't need to know every time someone goes to the bathroom. :D


Lol, T(h)ink - me neither.


+4 votes
websites, by

Kninjanin, it's the websites for me...social networks are people that I would rather keep in touch other ways: phone, in person, e-mail/snail mail. Plus, they seem to get hacked so often!

However Q/A websites, if operated in a certain way, you can actually learn so much; not only factual information but socialization/interpersonal skills, psychology and human behavior. And you don't even have to go out into the marketplace, you can do all this before breakfast, in your bathrobe!

* * *

Also since 2010 when I happened upon Ask.com, about 85% of my book list has come from online suggestions, too, very fruitful there! I have left two websites recently because they were just not what I go online for, but I am glad to find Dan's because I would miss them now.


Yes Virginia, the original Ask.com used to be the best. There will never be another. 


Hi Ladyhorse, it is interesting you should say that...ASK was the first Q/A site I ever saw and for five years the only one...but yes, it was certainly a phenomenon!

+5 votes
websites, by

Not much for either one. I do occasionally enjoy this type of site, but after moderating one for awhile, it gets old pretty quickly. Social media...forgetaboutit!


Angela, probably no one but Rooster will ever understand what you two endured in moderating that site...but just from what I saw, it gives anybody the willies! 


Yes, it's not something I'll ever do again...unless it's my own site and I make the rules! Mmwwhahahsha! :devil:


Well Rooster has mentioned the possibility Q/A sites might be dying out...if so, I think it is due at least in part to the moderation...which of course in turn from the people who make the rules.


I have to agree with him as even if there are rules in place, the moderators must use an even hand across the board to make them work....that seems to be lacking on most sites.

+2 votes

I from My personal experience like social networking  the reason is very simple by social networking you connect to the social sites and people .It increase your brand awareness and marketing of your become very free of cost.

Other important factor is that social sites are crawled by google comparatively sooner than other sites so indexing occurs that increase the visits


There are many different social networks. Many people promote their business on social networks. I follow a singer from Siettle and a DJ from Indianapolis on Twitter. They promote their music on Twitter and Soundcloud. As they cannot upload music on Twitter, they need to upload music on Soundcloud, then on Twitter.


Many companies and famous people have websites and social networks.

0 votes
websites, by

Websites, more so.

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