Other Tink, I did not know about the Aral Sea...also I learned the term endorheic lake, or basin...no outlet, in that way perhaps reminiscent of Mono Lake, not all that far from Rooster in northern California?
Anyway (you may already know?), a similar situation arose in that thirsty Los Angeles was diverting freshwater creeks that fed Mono Lake, the ecosystem was collapsing, until the Mono Lake Committee formed on the Lake's behalf and took L.A. to court...had their facts and figures down pat...now (as I recall) L.A. still does take some of the water, but enough is retained so as to maintain the integrity of Mono Lake...
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I already told Marianne about this, because the calcium carbonate tufa towers that form in Mono Lake reminded me of her fairy pyramids in Switzerland! (Different formation, though...hers are glacial...)
Oh, and btw I have also just realized that Washington has an endorheic lake! It is Omak Lake east of the Cascade Mountains, on the Colville Indian Reservation ... I spent a marvelous week camping there 2010, as I was on my way to Iowa... endorheic, endorheic, endorheic...love it...