Yes, Virginia, I do agree with you; the maximum profit strategies are unsustainable, as too fast evolution causes losses, involving the wasting of products, materials and people - whether knowingly or not, as many seem to ignore certain physical laws or believe the wrong people. It is a throw-away and forging-ahead policy, regardless of what happens afterwards.
Instead, they blame others for their own errors. But who is really to blame? Why is extreme ambition (or blatant arrogance) more valued than fair-play and respect?
And the increase of unemployed or precarious, low pay jobs is hurting and impoverishing whole regions, and this - in return - will also reduce the number of customers from the working classes, and even the so-called middle classes will be losing jobs or their small businesses and, with them, their purchasing power.
And high numbers of unemployed, working poor, or impoverished people will cause the loss of taxes and stress also the health sectors, welfare, churches and aid organisations.
That is a very black and pessimistic rant, Virginia, but I am just getting rid of some "steam" - lol; I should also mention all those who are, without propaganda, pay or glorious performance schemes, curing step by step the damages left by overexploitation, squandering, mismanagement, accidents or errors, restoring patiently depleted or damaged environments, replanting native trees and flora, creating appropriate wildlife habitats in gardens and other green spots, recovering, repairing or recycling wasted products, tools, values, maintaining and cleaning abandoned or neglected sites, communities, monuments, facilities, recreation areas, buildings, informing and reeducating people and helping them to develop, reintegrate and restore sustainable, local businesses into viable activities and jobs.
An example:
There are also many projects, programmes and initiatives, trying to restore biotopes to protect and reintegrate native flora and fauna, and with them, essential natural resources.