+4 votes
in Celebrities by

Do you think, you can star a Youtube channel and give a try?

5 Answers

+5 votes

Sorry, Dan, I can't make a pick - there are too many there and also lots of nice videos ...

+5 votes

Hi Dan, this is a test...it appears that the "www" now works for me. Before, I was going in without the www. If you see this, then yes the www now works and the other way does not...

* * *

Yes! It posted so now to answer your Q, I have a couple of favourite channels that show film noir movies, such as someone who calls himself "The Smoking Hat." Also, I like to watch quantum theory things, and there are a few channels who do that rather well too!

+5 votes

Guess I'm like Marianne! When I have time? I can't seem to pick a favorite. Too many talented people out there. Some pretty funny ones too!

+3 votes

I'm always finding new ones.. :)       


Is this really racist? or just for video?

+3 votes

My fave would have to be Cheeky Tam, she does taste test videos of food from around the world and she's hilarious and fun to watch.



I love it when you show up on this website occasionally, always glad to see your thoughts. I have never heard of Cheeky Tam, prolly now look her up...

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