3 Answers

+4 votes

Lol - a nice, positive story inspiring smiles and laughs, and two lucky events for all the people involved, including Burger King.


+4 votes

Wow! That's a great story! I'm surprised that Burger King hasn't capitalized on it for some kind of advertisement!  :D  Maybe it's the quality!




Lol, they seem to have left out the the lettuce on the real burgers (or maybe it was terribly wilted).  And the buns seem a bit on the soggy side.  :D


@Tink: Probably like most others, the last if the lettuce leaf. I think pre making them makes them soggy and barfy! You!

+4 votes

Oh that is so wonderful...I love when people post fun things here, Marianne and Other Tink do that lots!

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