Korvo, that is indeed the very lake...I somehow got hold of some comments from Mark Twain, because he visited Mono Lake also. And the clothes if you let them dry with the salts on them, they stand up by themselves, without you in them!
But yes indeed, after reading Mark Twain I tried it with my jeans, dipping them into the lake waters. They stood up by themselves, but then even though I washed them in plain water afterwards, they still disintegrated very quickly!
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Maybe you already know...Mono Lake is actually a thriving ecological niche, very much alive with a kind of fly that loves that lake and the visiting birds that feed on the flies. BUT, Los Angeles was draining off the creek that feeds the lake for their public water system - piping the water down there.
So some people got together and somehow sued, I think they are called the Mono Lake Committee, and now Los Angeles is allowed to take only so much water, just enough that Mono Lake stays healthy!
That whole part of NE and east central California is beautiful and fascinating.