+4 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

Serbians politicians promise better life, but they do not have plans for better life. Many politicians represent as nationalists and patriots and they become globalists after few years. So, I don't believe them.

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

No, in general I don't believe them.  But I would believe this epitaph, if I saw it someday, maybe 50 years from now.


+2 votes

Hello Kninjanin, like a large majority of people, I am rather sceptic about promises and "great plans", as history taught us throughout human history that even the best intentions and programmes are paving the way to hell.

Many "big dreams" are not sustainable or do not please everybody, and radical changes are generating conflicts, as no system is perfect - and one of the main obstacles is human nature and the everlasting tendence to exaggerate or belittle.


+4 votes

This isn't an easy one to answer and keep my language from profanity. I haven't seen a real politician that's made all these same promises to us ever keep any of them. Seems as soon as they get into office that one word defines them: POWER! The more they have? The less they do for the people. I'm still hoping to see a ray of hope in Washington but I haven't seen it yet. I doubt whether I will in my lifetime.

From LBJ's BS to present day, I'm still waiting for an honest politician. At least we didn't elect a bald faced liar to office but I've as yet to see much of anything from our current administration!

What President have we ever had that messed with the NFL. Doesn't he have more important things to do? How is that crap helping the people?

Good luck Kninjanin!

+2 votes

Kninjanin, I am afraid that even if a politician TRIES to be honest, it does not take long before he or she realizes you must be crooked to get anything accomplished in government!

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