Yep, I've been active there since about the end of July.
It's a pretty good site and, even though there have been answers that said otherwise, there's a lot of humour. I wouldn't have lasted long without it.
The downside to Quora is that much of the moderation is done by bots and not people. I was happily answering questions for about five months totally unaware that some of my answers were being collapsed. (There was no advice.) I learned a couple of days ago that 15% of my answers (422 individual posts) had gone down the gurgler. It didn't leave a good aftertaste.
But it's an excellent site with an amazing range of contributors ranging from highly qualified to ordinary people like the rest of us. Nobody knows how many members there are but it's believed to be in the millions. I do know that for two consecutive months this year the number of individual visitors to the site exceeded 200,000,000. Unbelievable? A little time there will persuade you that it's true.
So I've been absent from Solved for too long. Thank you, Virginia reminding me.