+2 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
During a flood in a small Ohio town, a young girl was perched on top of a house with a little boy.

As they sat watching articles float along with the water, they noticed a baseball cap float by.

Suddenly, the cap turned and came back, then turned around and went downstream.
After it had gone some distance, it turned again and came back.

“Do you see that baseball cap?” said the girl.
“First it goes downstream, then turns around and comes back.”

“Oh, that’s my dad,” replied the boy.
“This morning he said that come hell or high water, he was going to cut the grass today.”


Link: https://www.free-funny-jokes.com/funny-parent-jokes.html

2 Answers

+2 votes

:D:D:D:D He can cut mine too! LOL


Lol, Rooster, but keep him away from the lotus plants:




(you might have some if you have a pond in your garden)

+1 vote

Good Morning, Marianne!  :D  <3


Hello, Virginia, how are you doing?



Well, we woke up to snow here in the Pacific raincoast, Marianne, quite lovely. A while ago I went around to my neighbors to see if they wanted me to take their garbage out, saving them a walk across our slippery parking lot.


Lol Virginia, we have also fresh snow here, again since two days.

Actually, there have been changes every two three days, from snow, to rain, fog, clouds and brightenings ...

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