+3 votes
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By the Associated Press (and reprinted by the Washington Post): "The federal indictment, brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, represents the most detailed allegations to date of illegal Russian meddling during the campaign that sent Trump to the White House.  [underline added] It also marks the first criminal charges against Russians believed to have secretly worked to influence the outcome."


Now, how are we supposed to read the underlined sentence?  The indictment does not claim the Russian meddling was successful in altering the result of the election, but one could easily get that impression, depending on what you think the phrase "that sent Trump to the White House" is modifying. WHAT "sent Trump to the White House"? The campaign, or the Russian meddling during the campaign? This is either a case of careless wording, or a DELIBERATE attempt to give the impression that it was the Russian meddling.

3 Answers

+3 votes

What really gets me about this is the fact that it's been going on since the Cold War and we're just as guilty of it as they are. It's just now that they really investigated it and made it public. This whole thing smells of Hillary!

+3 votes

O'Tink your Q was somewhat rhetorical I realize, but ima answer it tentatively and cynically as a DELIBERATE attempt at misleading. :sick:

Because I am really piqued right now because I got caught by them (MSM) with those "18" school shootings this year...it seems no matter how careful one is, well at least for me I am still gullible.

* * *

Had I been forced to choose, I might have voted for Hillary (:sick: again). But I voted for neither of them; here in Washington State, more than 4% of the vote went Libertarian this time! And I still recall upon hearing the presidential result for Trump, I felt a physical wave of relief wash over me...strange...

Anyway, long story short, as much as I dislike Trump I am not buying into MSM Trump-bashing.


I agree with you, Virginia, I think the attempt was deliberate.

It's reached the point that whenever I see a story by the MSM, my antenna goes up: now how are they trying to lie or distort this time?

Yes, I dislike Trump as a person a LOT, and I left the presidential line on my ballot blank (because the 3rd and 4th party candidates were total flakes), but I too felt much satisfaction at the consternation displayed by the smug, know-it-all, PC "journalists" (read: propagandists) on the MSM on election night.


Ha ha, Tink here on the West Coast we often "see" the probable outcome of elections before we vote, if we wait until late in the day. 

Well, I have some contrarian friends who lie in wait for that, and if they see their vote is not going to affect the outcome of an election they vote Libertarian (or something else rebellious) just as a form of protest! :D:D:D

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