Hi Rooster,
Sorry for the inconvenience. If you are on a mobile, then there should be only 2 ads. A banner ad on the top and a link ad at the bottom.
For PC, there would be an additional banner ad on the sidebar and a list of links to other pages of the site in the sidebar.
This site won't even generate hundred dollars a month. The money is mainly spent on hosting and fixing problems. I fix most of the problems if it is small, sometimes I get help from my hosting provider. They charge $125.00/hr since they are based on the U.S.
So, a month earnings will be spent for an hour. Hiring someone from India may reduce the cost, but I'm not sure where to find them and how effective is the one, I hired. So, I just stick to the one I already knew.
The site won't always run into a problem but they do occur. There should be money in the hand in advance too, to pay them.
Ads annoy users but websites need money for functioning. Google is also taking steps to figure out, how to give a pleasant experience to the users. Few years before they introduced AMP pages. You might have noticed it with a thunder icon in the Chrome mobile search results.
This month, Google has auto-installed adblocker on all Chrome browsers. It won't block all ads, it blocks ads which Google considers annoying. https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/14/how-chromes-built-in-ad-blocker-will-work-when-it-goes-live-tomorrow/