Since last 7 days, there is a considerable increase in CPU usage. This makes this website not available sometimes. You may have seen spambots registering on this site. But it is not the one causing this problem, there are some processes running continuously on one of my websites.
But I also like to reduce the number of spambots registering on this website. So, I thought blocking visits from China, Russia and Ukraine will be a good option. Since most of the spambots are from there. So, I went to the website -
On the website, a person can generate a code which blocks visits by country.
The last option should be Apache 2.0 - 2.3 .htaccess deny
But I forgot to change it and left the default option - Apache 2.0 - 2.3 .htaccess allow
I downloaded the code and added it to the website's .htaccess file and I slept.
What the code did was, it allowed visits from China, Russia, Ukraine, and blocked all other countries.
Now I changed the code to the right code.