+2 votes

2 Answers

+2 votes

Dear Tink,

No I have not heard the term "raw" water but from your link I know what they are talking about, because that was pretty much the only kind of water available in the 1940's and '50's!

YES, I DO think 'raw' water is significant; for many reasons, too much to post here but I have looked into this for many decades in conjunction with my work on cancer. Just one example is that BOTH chloride and fluoride are more reactive than iodide - same chemical family (halide), thus they can displace iodide in certain essential thyroid metabolism...I do not have satisfactory proof but do suspect chlorination, fluoridation of public water supply is one factor in our current epidemic of cancer.

NO, I do not myself jump through hoops to obtain the quality of water I believe my body thrives best, simply because the cost/benefit curve is too steep and I choose to spend my limited time/energy elsewhere! If I have the chance to obtain 'raw' :P water however, I jump at it! <3


Very interesting, Virginia, but there is one thing I don't understand.  In water purification, the chlorine content at the tap typically amounts to a milligram or less per liter of water, so if you drink several liters of water in a day, you are ingesting a few mg of chlorine or less.  Daily consumption of table salt, however, typically amounts to a couple thousand mg of sodium, and therefore about 3000 mg of chloride ions, a quantity which should swamp the amount of chlorine you would get from water.  Or is there something about the Cl2 in the water that is more dangerous?  Oh, I just looked up water purification, and it said that if the water also has certain organic compounds, the Cl2 can react with them and create carcinogens.  Is this what you meant?


Hi O'Tink, I am not enough of a biochemist to address your question directly...just that (I am guessing) the human body is well adapted to and even needs salt, NaCl - while the sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) aka BLEACH used to treat drinking water, would have totally different physiological effects...

I think of this in terms of the thyroid, but am not an expert here; I just learned enough for my own use. I was studying all this something like forty years ago. YOU have an inquiring mind, and not sure how much you might want to pursue all this, but the reference I used most was the work by Max Gerson, M.D.; German-born Jewish, he escaped to the USA when he saw the Holocaust coming. (His 11 or so siblings did not believe what was coming, and they all perished.)

Anyway, first he was bringing TB patients to a cure with his dietary methods, then he learned that cancer also would often respond. His book was CANCER; A HISTORY OF 50 CASES (something like that). Anyway, before WWII he was curing something like 50% of cancer patients pronounced medically terminal, hopeless! He perceived a strong reciprocal interaction between liver and thyroid, and focused his healing efforts on restoring that axis.

Quality of drinking water was VERY important, as was quality of foodstuffs, organically grown even biodynamic (Rudolph Steiner). I myself won't be going back to those kinds of studies, but still keep the rudiments in my own life to this day...tremendous admiration for Dr. Gerson and other such pioneers. (Caveat: attacked and discredited by conventional medicine.)


Yes, Virginia, it could be that there is a downside to chlorination, but I'm sure the lives saved by infectious disease prevention far outweigh it.

In a village in Germany, I saw the church register in which my great-grandfather's baptism was recorded (his father was the pastor of that church), and right next to it was an entry for the death of an 18-year-old girl who had died of cholera.  :'(


Yes O'Tink, especially when us humankind are crowded together, disease spreads...water treatment becomes essential. Where I now live, the towns are all around 1700 folk. And the little burg just seven miles up the line from me does not treat its municipal deep well water, they just test it, continually monitoring, all the time.

So, for a while I tried to get all my drinking water there; didn't work, even that was too much complication for my life...which reminds me, maybe I will see if I can resume that!


Well, Virginia, as long as they test the water continuously and find it safe, then there is no problem.  I got the impression that the "raw water" advocates were saying you could drink the water from mountain brooks or any "natural" source. 

Oh, looky here: cheap water filters:


+2 votes

I saw this posted on another site a month ago and quite a few people answered it and it was 50/50 with them. Some preferred "well" water to tap water and some didn't. I've had both and never had any problems but with the things going on nowadays? I'll continue to drink filtered water.

I put some tap water through my pool test kit one time and it had almost as much chlorine in it as my pool did. Next day, I bought a good water filter.


Rooster, my grandma had a house with well water, but she never drank it without running it through an electric distiller first.  She had spent some years in Ecuador, where boiling the drinking water was a must, and typhoid shots had to be kept current.

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