Well again, my first Laugh-out-loud of the day, and it's on SOLVED!
Tink...it's interesting...as I look through the Bret Weinstein material, he notes that it was a conservative newspaper that reported accurately his situation at Evergreen...the only one who took the time to research and report accurately.
What I learned that was truly a lesson for me, is that he felt the liberal rags (NYT, etc.) somewhat ignored Evergreen, or danced delicately around the situation. His (Weinstein's) interpretation is that they don't want to get too involved when something makes liberalism look bad...not sure I rendered that well, because maybe I don't really 'get it.'
Also in various conversations he now has around the country, sometimes the conservative commentators are the ones he relates to best. THAT'S not a surprise to me, as I typically listen to see if someone makes sense before looking at their political orientation...but I could see it was a surprise to him.