+2 votes
in Security by

How many dollars does one has to pay for it? 

If it is free, hope it isn't a trial one, for a short period of time.

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Webroot Secure Anywhere. The old man and his Tech guru friend say it's the best out there and is non-invasive for downloads.

Some of the free ones are OK but outdated.

Webroot AntiVirus 1 Year
Light on your resources
Intelligent behavior monitoring 
Requires internet connection


+2 votes

My laptop comes with free McAfee Anti-virus for a year (or) 2. I don't care about antivirus usually.


Used to have McAfee, or what I would like to call, McEvil. My folks had to pay for it. It was years ago, but it wasn't the greatest. Don't know what it is like now, but don't trust it. I hope the free one works better than the one you have to pay for.

+3 votes

We have Webroot.

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