+3 votes
in Suggestions by

Although I don't use the blocking feature, I still think it would be advantageous for this site to add it. I know of a lot of former Amirite and Soda Head members who would be happy to join 'I've Solved' if only it had a blocking feature.

And by the way since we are on the topic of site suggestions: please get rid of the feature, only if you follow a person can you sent them a message. I can't even get a hold of the owner here because of that one.

Come on people, lets build this site! :D

4 Answers

+4 votes


only if you follow a person can you sent them a message - acts as the blocking. Both the person can click on the 'Star' icon on each other's profile to follow/favorite/send PM.


Write on the wall of a user to let them know.


Dan, I don't think a person can actually block another on this site. On three other opinion sites I have been a member there is a blocking button and when you hit it, the person's comments either become invisible to you, or they simply can't comment to you.

I personally don't block people, but I know many others who feel more protected when they have that option.

I didn't know about the star symbol being the link to messaging somebody. Thank you for telling me. :)


The feature may or may not be possible depending upon the functionalities of the core source code. If it is possible, then there will be hours of coding work to implement such a feature. I have to pay for the coding work on an hourly basis. Sometimes the work don't get completed even after working several hours. I have no funds now. Also, only a few people use this site for now. So, I don't think it would be a problem for now. I will try to implement when I have funds and if other members really want it. :)


Totally understood! Thank you, Dan, for explaining. :)

+3 votes

I see no reason at all for blocking on this site. This is a smaller friendly site and I personally see no reason for blocking. There isn't that many people here to bother with all that. I can see it on some of the bigger sites like Similar Worlds but it's unnecessary here.

I've never understood the thing with people and blocking. If you don't wish to talk with them or such, just avoid them. Besides, like Dan said, it takes a lot of coding work to establish this feature.

Blocking just breeds hatred.


I agree.


If you block someone's account, he can create new accounts and contact you, send messages to you, follow your account...


I don't block, Rooster, but some people get more hounded than others, so I can see why it might be a useful feature for them. And if people feel comfortable they will be more incline to join, which is good for any site.


You nailed it Kninjanin!


It's just that there are just nice people on this site. Everyone seems to get along just fine.

+4 votes

I am against blocking. I don't have problems with others on Internet because I don't know them. Many Internet users hate others because they wrote something and block them.


If you block someone, he still can contact you via his other accounts and you don not know that he has more accounts.


I am not one to block, but for some people it can make all the difference in the world when deciding if they will join a site or not.

+3 votes

Block, schmock. I've never blocked anyone.

It's easy enough to ignore someone who's being annoyingly stupid, or else to make a fool of them.

And if the "hounding" becomes really vile, the offender can be reported and removed. The only person I ever reported on any site was someone who made a death threat against me on SodaHead. He was removed within 24 hours.


I don't use it either, but for some people it is the ultimate protection against the truly disturbed lurking around on the internet.


Sure, but as in the example I gave above, the truly disturbed lurkers should be removed from the site entirely, not just blocked by one or more individuals. SodaHead was pretty good about that. I think they removed blatant offenders by IP address, so if the miscreant wanted to get back on, he could not simply open a new account from the same location without using a proxy server of some kind.

Besides, nearly all of the blockers I have encountered are hypersensitive sorts who can't deal with facts that contradict their opinions.

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