+5 votes
in Doubts by

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Marianne pretty much left more than a year ago now, before my computer crashed.

What I recall is that Tink and I were searching her out through her e-mail, and there were some difficult things going on...it seems I recall she was sick for a while? Then she moved; and in the new place, her Internet did not work very well at all. I had the sense that is really why she did not try to keep up here on SOLVED.

The last time I saw Skunky was on here, SOLVED...long time now.

+5 votes

Not consistently, but I do occasionally see Skunky on Blurtit.


I don't use Blurtit anymore. Do you see spammers and hackers there?


Yes, but they are called out more often these days.  I find a lot more fun contributors than spammers and have lots of buddies there, so I'm still on board. 8-)

+5 votes

I haven't seen Skunky here in about a year, or Marianne in about a year and a half. :'(

+5 votes

Have no idea who Skunky is but I haven't seen Marianne in at least a year now. Not a word.


He uses this websites. I know him from Blurtit.


I've been friends with Skunky for many years .... going back to our Sodahead days. :)

+4 votes

Seems Marianne pretty much just vanished. Been a long time now and I miss her.

Skunky Stinkerson? Haven't seen that guy in ages either but always liked him.


+2 votes

I remember seeing Skunky on some other website, a long ago. I haven't seen Marianne online for around a year. Hope they are doing good.


Maybe Blurtit, Yahoo Answers or similar website, but it can be an another person.

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