Tink, in that article there is a photo that looks like the same concept...those beautiful young men, with their dogs, trying to protect Saks...their raised arms? I recognize this from San Francisco 1960's, it is the Black Power salute! And the protectors (of all colors) are giving it along with the protesters.
Somehow, I have to believe that we will come through okay. I am quite certain I posted on here, about the lady in Ephrata, Washington who rallied the employees and customers at her fabric store and made 176,000 masks for the local hospital? That is who we really are. Hope I'm not trivializing all this, I know you are close to some of the greatest devastation, and I am not. (Please look below photo...I could not find a way to get all those copies out)
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Here is what I am hearing from some of the more pessimistic commentators, although I am certain they say these things in hopes of encouraging his listeners in a better direction...but you study such things well and clearly, and -- have you encountered the idea that "Civil unrest will be exploited to bring in tyranny;" and do you think there is any possibility of that?