+3 votes
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More like a highly-functioning alcoholic. 

2 Answers

+3 votes

Professor Warren Kimball of Rutgers, editor of the WSC-FDR correspondence and several erudite books on the two leaders, maintains that Churchill was not an alcoholic -“no alcoholic could drink that much!”- but “alcohol dependent,” citing his occasional glass of hock with his breakfast(!) and his heavy imbibing at .



"The concoction he [Churchill] grew to like was, Jock Colville said, more akin to mouthwash than a highball. It barely qualifies as “scotch and water.”  "

Gee, Listerine mouthwash is (or was, I haven't checked lately) about 25% ethanol, the approximate equivalent of 100 proof scotch mixed half and half with water. That's a pretty respectable scotch and water. :D

+1 vote

I did not realize Churchill drank that much...I like his idea of mixing sherry and wine before lunch! One favourite biography I read is his mother JENNIE -- truly a phenomenon in her own right.

Favourite saying, attributed to Churchill; "If you are going through H3LL, keep going."


An apocryphal story of an exchange between Churchill and Lady Astor, when she complained to Churchill that he was horribly drunk at a party:

"Madam, you are quite right, I am drunk.  And you are ugly.  But tomorrow, I shall be sober, but you shall still  be ugly."


Tink, THAT one I truly hope is NOT apocryphal that one I hope it is true :)

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