+3 votes
in Health by

Some tears (of joy) for this one...Lewis County just east of me, is quite large area, home to only 80 thousand rather far-flung people...largest town Centralia, pop 18,000...

So the health dept has put together a mobile unit; and if you don't have a car, or disabled, or a veteran, or asthma, or over 75 -- or any other of a whole long list, they will drive their van out to your home and vaccinate you for free! And there is a toll-free hotline, 5 hrs/day 5 days/wk to call and get your appt. lined up, all this supported by volunteers from the local United Way.

...and if you are one of the multitude angry pro-Trump anti-vaxxers here in this rural county so hard-hit by the pandemic, then no pressure either you just get the herd protection from everybody else vaccines.

I thought of this because of SirFurry's question about breakfast in Wales...the same common folk all over the world who from time immemorial, always help each other out while they cobble together nutritious meals out of leftover blood, brains, guts and feathers...keep the world turning.

3 Answers

+3 votes

Sounds very good, Virginia. <3

I hear the Dos Equis man was thinking of moving there. Safety first.



Oh Tink DE man would be perfectly getting along here...everybody drinks beer! (And he should hire you to compose all his limericks for him...)

+1 vote

Sounds good


N'kay then you must gather up some good Welsh beer to bring with you, SFA, and also line up OtherTink to compose some special limericks for your trip...See you soon, by the Chehalis River that runs through Lewis County!



+2 votes

That's a great idea and very nice indeed. I'm scheduled for my shot this coming Friday at Sierra College, which is about an hours drive but worth it.


Oh that is good to know, Rooster....I have the idea you live in beautiful country, so hopefully it will be a pretty drive...

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