This is important because Rainier has all of 1500 people, plus outliers like me often take the 7-mile excursion to attend their lunches! The senior center is the old school gymnasium, obtained free and then transported a couple blocks to the other side of town to be installed as you see in the photo.
No gov funds whatsoever, everything is volunteer with lunches prepared from the local food bank donations, supplemented by the small fee paid by the seniors and used for careful shopping.
But this old old roof is on its last legs and finally, after three years of bake sales, rummage sales and grant applications, just yesterday they accumulated the full $40,000! My opinion? I think our country (USA) is really really in trouble now, and it is small fry like this -- people working the family farms, the small businesses, the service clubs Lions and such, just carrying on life as normal helping each other, that has the best chance of bringing us through this crisis perhaps the most difficult in our history. (Which is why I put this under the topic 'politics & gov')
So this is it, photo tx to the Internet, the senior center in Rainier, Washington USA. (Oh, and the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and the quilting club all use this for their meeting place, too.)