The liner notes say she is their teacher, and she is sixty years of age!
Not many 60-year-olds can stand on their heads either.
Ask me after I have had my knees done...
Oh Sir Furry, I am trying to recall...aren't you around only sixty or so? (Sigh), yes my knees did not begin to give me trouble until I was fun at any age, and no hip-hop for a while either.
I’m 64 but my knees seem a lot older...runs in the family.
My younger sister is going to beat me to new knees though...
Well, I suppose we can all be glad we live in an era where such surgical feats are possible and even commonplace...extending the useful life of fragile joints...
She dance really well for her age
Hello Dan, and good morning, actually I think it is evening now at your house!
Yeah, it is night 10:22 PM at the moment.
I think that I cannot do it.
Well I know that I cannot, Kninjanin! She is amazing...
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