Well, that is really hard to say, and the flags have been very helpful to know which language was on - lol; the accent of the speaker is always the same, even in Finnish, as it is the same with the same accent for all the languages (remarkably fluent in all 5 languages, considering the many tongue twisting words); only the words differ, but he speaks far too quickly (I "caught" words like hey, hi, hallå, (hello), takk/tack/tak (thank you) and welcome (velkommen, välkomna, ...), and something like "official", several country names like Slovakia, Spania (Spain), some names from politics, etc., as for Finnish, I could only recognise some specific Finnish vowels, several names and "catch" words like hei (hi) and kiitos (thank you).
Frankly, I couldn't determine which was Norwegian (Bokmål or Nyorsk?), Icelandic, Danish or Swedish; if the flags had not been shown; only Finnish, was, partly, recognisable.