+6 votes
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13 Answers

+7 votes
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Best answer

Dreamed , Fantasized tearfully of running far away but my little Brother would never come with me and I couldn't leave him in that house alone , would never of been able to Live with myself.

So I just Learned to Fight back 

I've got one Hell of a Right hook , thanks to my Dad who trained me for years. 

 I could knock him on his ass when I was 15 .and I did several times but in the end I just reversed the roles and told him what he had been saying to me since I was a Girl.

"I will Kill you if you ever touch me again"   

I think he was rightfully Scared of me and took my words very seriously 

Wisest move he ever made.

+7 votes
Never had anywhere to go.
+8 votes
No, by

I had the best parents any kid could wish for; why would I run away?
+6 votes
Undecided, by
I have been thinking about it a little bit as a child but nothing serious.
+5 votes
No, by
Never had that thought.
+5 votes
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Nope, never wanted to. I've had a pretty good childhood and I appreciate it a lot
+4 votes
Yes, by
Can remember running away when I was a kid  but came home that night...
+5 votes
Yes, every time I was in trouble with my mother, I was scared of her more than my dad, but I never wanted to disappoint my dad, but me & mom didn't come to an understanding, still not, to this day, 5 decades later, she's a little old lady now, and if I wasn't married, I would want to run away again.
+4 votes
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I got as far as throwing toy food into a suitcase
+3 votes
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But I always chickened out.

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