+2 votes
in Celebrities by
I don't use Twitter

9 Answers

+4 votes
Yes, by

Yes but I ignore every comment on Twitter...

@ Platinum     Why ?
+1 vote
No, by

But I have never written to a celebrity or anyone on Twitter before.

+1 vote
No, by

I have never spoken to any of my Celebrities on Twitter 

I am not Worthy  lolz 

I may talk to Anne Stokes but I'm not sure  


0 votes
I don't use Twitter, by

I don't have any personal account with Twitter or Facebook.

+1 vote
I don't use Twitter, by


+1 vote
I don't use Twitter, by

None, but I'm not on twitter...

And I've heard some friends claim someone famous replied to them, which have turned out to be fake accounts or someone other than the famous person using the account.

+1 vote

I don't use Twitter and I don't contact celebrities without a reason, but I once emailed Andrew Greeley, author of the Bishop Blackie series, among others. I had a question about his writing style and received an answer within 30 minutes. Nice man.

0 votes
No, by

I don't know why.  I try to talk to them, but no matter which celebrity I talk to...nothing.  I get no response.  It's as if I don't exist and it makes me feel bad.


0 votes
No, by

I contact some volleyball players. They liked the tweets I sent them, but they did not reply.

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