+4 votes
in Science & Technology ⚡ by


The planets 2 votes, 17%
The stars 2 votes, 17%
Other life 2 votes, 17%
Black holes 0 votes
Other dimenions 4 votes, 33%
Undecided 2 votes, 17%

12 Answers

+6 votes
The planets, by
Best answer
I like looking at the night sky and finding planets, according to star charts.

@ AH   Helped make my Girl a Solar System for School a few years ago
absolutely fascinating reading about it , was more into it than her.

Was reading about the Temp of the Sun and the different Planets

lolz  Saturn was a bugger to make but She did get the Best mark in the Class  

those Xmas balls came in dead handy  :)
I go gaga over the pics coming back from some of the long range satellites that orbit or do flybys of the planets. Just amazing.
+4 votes
Other life, by


+5 votes
Undecided, by

I'm not so much a fan of discovering the universe as I am exploring the sea.....

+6 votes

How so many people are absolutely certain that they are the center of it, and according to them everything revolves around them.

+6 votes
The stars, by

I always look up to the stars.

+5 votes
Other dimenions, by

Most interesting is that it exists at all.

Why is there anything?

Max Planck stated the following:

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

+5 votes
The stars, by

Its vastness.

Many years ago The Scientific American published an article on the Universe which ended with this question: "Compared to the vastness of Space, what is man?" The following month they followed it up with a letter from a reader which said, "Compared to Space, man is the astronomer." Think about it.

+5 votes
Other dimenions, by

When I try to wrap my brain around its majesty I get chills. It is so vast, so mysterious and those Hubble photos  No Artist ever created that beauty...And amid all the perceived chaos there is an exquisite scientific mathematical law yet to be completely understood  I had no hubble photo but this is awaesome too

image   comprehended

+3 votes
Other dimenions, by

The immense size of the universe ...8-)


+1 vote
Other dimenions, by

I think the most interesting thing about the Universe is that it maybe actually be made up of vibrating strings, as theorized in String Theory, or more recently known as M-Theory, instead of Point Particle Physics which states the Universe is made up of point particles such as atoms particles. The experiments done with quantum mechanics have yet to be disproved, while the ones in the standard model are riddled with anomalies, the problem is, is that at this point in time, we cannot prove beyond mathematics all the problems associated with String Theory, therefore we cant yet replace point particle physics with it yet. One day maybe, when the science catches up with the math. Maybe then. 

New Year's Eve Countdown
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