+4 votes
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9 Answers

+7 votes

Nope... spiders don't scare me at all .

+4 votes

I do!

+5 votes

Yeah I can't stand spiders. If I see one, I have to ask my dad to come kill it :(

+6 votes

Nah, I usually try to pick them up and throw them outside.

+4 votes

No image

+3 votes

No I don't have it at all.

+2 votes

Only when I encounter the big ones.

+1 vote

Yep. Hate them

+1 vote


I don't think it's an extreme case of arachnophobia, but it's still a fairly moderate to bad case of it.  Confused?  Okay, let me try to explain this.

I'm terrified of large spiders (especially tarantulas) and poisonous spiders (except one...Black Widow).  Now...I'm kinda nervous of other spiders, except for the common house spiders and jumping spiders.  Jumping spiders are my favorite as they are extremely cute.

I should mention that I am terrified of any spider if there are too many of them in the house, even the ones I love.  I don't mind a couple of individual spiders.  But, if there are more than, say, five or six at once, that's when my nerves get going.  And, if there are a dozen or more at once, I may consider an exterminator.  That's how bad my arachnophobia is.

I wonder if I'll ever be cured of my arachnophobia.  When will the day come when I can comfortably hold a tarantula or any dangerous spider?  Will that day ever come?  Only time will tell, but with the way things are going at this rate, I'd say the chances of that day ever coming in my lifetime are near zero.

So far, I can hold house spiders and jumping spiders with ease or only very slight tension (and, I mean almost non-existent tension).  I can hold wolf spiders, but I'm a little more tense in doing so.  And, one time (and only one time) did I let a Black Widow crawl across my hand.  I will say that I was extremely tense during that moment.  I was visibly sweating at that moment.  Never again will I let a poisonous spider crawl on me like that.

When an occasional Black Widow shows up in my room, I let it be and not bother it.  I have slept in this room with relative ease while a Black Widow was in here.  I don't bother it and I trust it not to bother me.  So far, I've had no trouble with it, except the one time I let it crawl on my hand.  My dad thinks I'm playing with fire by letting a Black Widow stay in my room.  He thinks it will, one night, crawl on me while I'm sleeping and bite me.  While that is always a possibility, it's highly unlikely it would.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now as it would have had several opportunities to do so.

So, yes, I have arachnophobia.  And, it's quite a bad case of it, even if it's not extreme.

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