+4 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

Yes 1 vote, 14%
No, but would like to 1 vote, 14%
No 5 votes, 71%
Other 0 votes

7 Answers

+5 votes
No, by

No, never have done that. I would have to drive up to the mountains for that as we don't have ice and snow here. It's plenty cold here right now. Maybe I would after a few dozen beers though ! 

+4 votes
No, by
No I haven´t. Really nothing for me.
+3 votes
No, by
No. That doesn't really seem like fun to me.
+5 votes
I haven't been in an ice bath but after a few long runs I have had an icy cold bath for recovery.  Once you get in it's alright, you have to be quick and just do it.
+2 votes
No, by

I would never do such a thing.  I just couldn't stand it.

+2 votes
No, but would like to, by
I'd like to do a polar plunge with a group someday :-)
Which I assume is very much like an ice bath.
+1 vote
No, by

The coldest was in a river in Finland, near Romanievi, with about 10 - 12 °C, or in a mountain lake in my country (about 11 - 12 °C). Needless to say that a few strokes swimming were enough.

But one has to take precautions:



You must have a seal in your ancestry, Marianne!   :O



A seal in ancestry? Lol! I really don't know regarding cold baths. As a kid, I was not really a winter fan, and also as an adult, I prefer warmer - at least milder climates.



Very sensible.  :)

"Rapid cooling of the skin triggers various heart and breathing responses. The heart rate can increase by 50% and blood pressure increase can increase to 175/93. Although a substantial strain on the heart, these changes are not likely to be a problem for a healthy, fit person but may be dangerous for those with underlying heart disease or hypertension."




Exactly, even young, normally fit people ought to have their health condition checked before following drastic health therapies, exercises and cures. The same applies with enhancing performances in elite sports.

By the way, I got a cutie for you:


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