+2 votes

5 Answers

+2 votes

I want it abolished atleast. But I want the time one hour forward now atleast and then I want it to stay like that.


i agree
+2 votes

It's ok the way it is.

I kind of like getting the little bonus hour in the fall, and losing the hour in the spring is not so bad, because it's, well, spring.   :-)

+2 votes

Dunno......I guess, how much does it matter?
+1 vote

In my opinion, I think Daylight Saving Time is antiquated.  Arizona (with the exception of the Indian reservations) does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

+1 vote

While I don't want it abolished, I DO want it to start later in the year than it does.

I remember when Daylight Saving Time started on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October.  Now, it seems to start in the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November.  I don't necessarily hate DST.  I just don't like it to last this long.

I'd prefer a shorter DST and a longer ST.  If I had it my way, DST would be like this:

DST from the first Sunday in May to the last Sunday in September.

New Year's Eve Countdown
: :

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