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11 Answers

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0 votes

It won't work I think. If it is a disease then it can be cured.

0 votes

No, I don't think it works. If anything it will only make people confused.

0 votes

I have no idea if it works. I can only say that if more than a few gays were not seeking this, then it would cease to exist.

So, despite what the mass media and Hollyweird would have us believe, not everyone who is gay is excited and happy over that situation.

0 votes

I think Gay Conversion Therapy should be abolished and I praise those States who have passed legislation to abolish it.  Toying with someone's mind brings back memories of how dangerous it can be as presented in the movie, "A Clockwork Orange."


err, I don't think the therapy would be anything like that! lol

+1 vote

There's no evidence that it works. If a grown person wants to go to "therapy" for it, then I guess they should be allowed to choose that if they want, but no teenager should be forced into it; that's nothing short of abuse (and often what happens in gay therapy, especially for teens, consists of abuse). 

+1 vote

In the long run no I don't think it can work. You can't pray the gay away. 

I could never condone something that makes one feel bad for being who they are. Instead of religious sectors trying to suppress who they are why not adhere to their tenet of love and acceptance for all? Why I can't stand organized religion. The hypocrisy is often discouraging.

+1 vote

It's abuse



+1 vote
Yes, I do. It's abusive and completely moronic.
0 votes

if someone wants to go through that, they should have the freedom to do so. and where are all of the "straight" conversion therapy places?

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